Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just got back from the Verizon store. What a thrill - not.

But here is what is thrilling. We bought a Droid 2 for our newly formed mobile app team.

Here is a picture of our new baby...

I hope we will be the first mobile app for ACORD forms.

The clock has started ticking.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

U.S. Adults Use Mobile Apps

An interesting post on Mashable today - 1 in 4 U S Adults Now Use Mobile Apps .

So how are we using our cell phones?

Here is more detail on how we are using apps...

This is all pointing to the move to working with your customers beyond your website but still through the Internet.

I think this will be the biggest thing going in tech next year.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kindle or iPad?

You may recall I got my iPad at 10:00 AM the day it was released.

Two weeks ago I bought my first Kindle. I learned to like e-books using the Kindle app on the iPad, then on my iPhone, then my PC, then my MacBook.

Here is exactly why I got a IKindle...

I wish I could make ads that were this good at making the point.