Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Putting Audio to Work for You
I read recently that sound is the #2 most powerful connection to memory. Smell was #1 and I don't know how to do smell online. So I think about sound.
In the past I have used mp3's when I used sound only. The problem with this is it takes time for the listener's browser to open the mp3 player on the local computer. The benefit is the mp3 can be downloaded and transferred to the listener's i-Pod or other portable MP3 player.
I suppose I could use Flash. That is what I have gone to for video. Flash is in all modern versions of PC browsers so it solves the problem of the time it takes to open a local player to run the video.
A new online tool from has been brought to my attention by Kip Bodnar over at Digital Capitalism. I thought I would try it out here and let you compare a traditional MP3 audio to an Utterli audio.
Here is the Utterli audio...
Of course Utterli is more than just a way to record. It is also a community site where your recording can be shared with other similar to Twitter. That may or may not be a plus for your use.
Here is the more traditional MP3...
Listen to my MP3 here. Rmember to wait for your media player to open,
I am sure there are other solutions to audio online. Let me hear about them in the comments.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Social Media in the Real World of Everyday Business
The truth is the only opinions that will matter about the importance of your use of social media is your customer's and potential customer's. So what does the "average person" get from social media?
Kipp Bodnar had a great posting yesterday about social media and the real world. You can read it for yourself at Digital Capitalism .
Here is some of Kipp's post...
"So what do people want from social applications (which for most of the people was Facebook)? They want to reconnect with people, to understand the major changes in peoples lives since they last saw them. People wan to know about the big stuff: vacations, kids, job changes, moves, deaths and they other major events that fill our lives. This reconnection is how most people want to use the social web today."
"The one thing that people love about social media even if they don't know they are using it is discovering new things. Discovery is the common ground across the entire group of people I spent time with of the holidays. People want ways to discover new things and this isn't new, but this does drive main stream adoption. Think about most of the mainstream social applications: Facebook, Digg, Amazon, Flickr and they all facilitate discovery and that is why people love them. Most of the people I listened to are completely in love with Amazon's recommendations feature both online and via e-mail."
As you start thinking about how you will use all the great social tools to better connect with your customers you should keep Kipp's thoughts in the forefront of you mind.
Monday, December 29, 2008
How to Use Twitter for Your Business
- Strengthen Your Brand
- Inform People of New Products and Services of Your Company
- Link to Your Website, Blog, Press Releases
- Weigh in on Conversations Others are Having About Your Company
- Engage with People Talking About Your Field
- Promote Events
- Provide Customer Support
- Inform communities when other communications fail.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
2009, the Economy, and You
The price of a pair of blue jeans at WalMart has been a good gauge. As free trade moved jobs, as Y2K opened up outsourcing, the basic price of so many goods and services have been on a consistent downward fall.
There were many things that masked this but in 2009 I feel there will not be anything to mask it.
What are the retailers going to do to get rid of their unsold goods. I would assume cut prices. But I also assume they will cut orders for new goods.
What are car manufactures going to do with cars as old as 2007 still on lots as new cars? I heard somebody say they were shipping unsold cars to Russia to get them out of the US market. Even so, I think they will make a lot fewer cars in 2009.
So my feeling is that price deflation is going to be a force in 2009 for anything that is a physical product which does not spoil. Food is safe. Blue jeans not safe.
Services like car repair, car towing, non elective health care - things you just have to have will likely grow in 2009. These places will not add jobs, they will just have more business.
Products like car insurance or homeowners insurance will probably see price increases. We have seen so many insurance company's investments drop so much in value that insurance companies will need to increase prices to get their surplus rations back in line. This price increase will take up surplus that in the past few years has been used to write new business. I think many insurance companies will cut back on trying to grow market share as a result.
In area's where goods are not being sold and so not being ordered, manufacturers will have to reduce employment. Fear of job loss is already part of this current slow down in sales. Higher unemployment in 2009 will make this fear stronger and cause the continued slowdown in spending by consumers.
If you are an insurance agency what should you do? Your customers are going to have less spending money and not be in a mood to spend it. You companies are going to be raising prices so your customers are going to shop.
If you can keep you customer base you will actually be in a great position to grow in 2009. How are you going to keep your customers?
Now is the time to start spending a part of everyday learning how to use the fantastic communication tools that have come into the market in the last decade. And you are going to need to learn by doing.
I used to sail with two friends. One was a top administrator for the EPA. The other was a regional director for a mental health agency. They liked to study problems before taking any action. so when we would be coming up on shallow waters in the North Carolina sounds they would like to have a committee meeting about what to do. I would yell "Ready about", "Hard alee" and turn the boat.
You need to take this "turn the boat" attitude this year. You will get better by practice and doing.
Concrete steps to take:
- Start an agency blog. Post at least twice a week.
- Oh - if you do not have a web site, set up a web site.
- Start reading online forums for the types of customers you have. You can find these simply by searching for the topic plus the word forum. Example "tow truck forums".
- Start using email to distribute a newsletter - or blog updates for subscribers.
- Learn how to make a short video and post it on
This is not a complete list. It is a work in progress. The important issue is you need to begin communicating pro-actively with your customers. Get out ahead of them. Be sure they know it. Don't let the next communication you hear from them be about how they are moving their business because the price went up.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
First Steps to Connect
The first step in connecting is to have a connection point. What most of us have today at a minimum is e-mail. That gives you a basic tool through which to communicate.
I am going to assume this is a baseline starting point and call it step zero.
Step one is to have a platform to launch e-mail, or other communications. For a business this platform is your client's basic information as relates to the products or services you provide that client.
In the mass online space this would be the equivalent of a FaceBook or MySpace profile. In the typical business space this is the equivalent of your in house customer database system.
Here are the problems with using these for connecting.
Social networks such as FaceBook or MySpace are intended to be wide open. When you are transacting business you need more customer privacy. Sometimes the privacy is legally required. Sometimes - all the times - it is just appropriate and expected behavior.
Back office customer databases are just generally not built to be open to each individual customer. The entire system design is usually a small improvement on the best of the 1980's IT thinking. Trying to move it into the real time, keyword based, social tagging, online 24/7 is more or less like adding a GPS to Great Granddad's horse. You can do it but it lacks a certain something.
What you need is a platform that is built for the web. Not retrofitted.
I am going to talk about the platform we have built and are continuing to enhance. I know this will sound like a commercial - it is to a small extent. But mostly I am going to talk about that platform because I know it best. It is being built in steps that have a reason behind the sequence of releases. It is not something that may fit your situation. It is designed for insurance agents, so most folks that read this will have no use for it and will also have to insert their own industries needs.
The first step is creating user profiles for all the folks with whom you need to connect. These profiles can be changed by each user once they start using them to collaborate with you. But you need to create them initially.
In our little corner of the world - insurance - we have three basic profiles. The business, the employees of the business, the clients of the business. Your business is probably about the same to this point.
So for us step one is to create a business profile.
Here is what our systems agency (the insurance business entity) profile looks like.
Notice that the first thing we show is the business logo. The web is a very visual space now that everyone assumes high speed connections. Your logo is part of your brand and should show on every communications you have. In our system it shows in the top left had corner of all screens you will use to collaborate with others.
Next you put in your basic name, address, phone, web site, e-mail and mailing address information. Remember, this is a communication platform. All this information is about how to connect with your business.Step Two is to create a profile for the folks that work at the business.
Here is what our Agent (the employees of the Agency) profile looks like.
Again, this is a visual medium so we have a picture for each person that works at the business. this way when your co-workers or clients are connecting or collaborating with you, they can see you. That's a good thing by the way.
The rest of the profile is information to allow connection and communication.Third Step is to create a Client Profile for each Client.
Here is what our client profile looks like.You will also notice that the client profile has much more information connected to it. There are all the tabs at the top of the profile for more detailed information. There is also a Map Link to pass information from this profile out to other useful services. In this case Google Maps. Remember, there is no need to build services that are already easily available. That is part of collaboration also.
So this is the first part of Connect, Collaborate, Compete. Getting things started as it were.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Connect, Collaborate, Compete
And, boy howdy, am I pleased with what we have gotten done. OK, so mostly the other folks I work with have gotten done.
This past several years have been about exploring the amazing new technologies that have shown up online. Now I am focusing on concrete steps to implement these in a business setting.
My focus is going to be on small business and/or businesses that have this kind of project driven by some one other than the IT Department. Mostly I will be focused on all of us who do not have any IT department.
My belief is that if the technology is not simple enough to be set up and run by just about anyone, then it is not really ready for the prime time revolution we are already in.
What do I mean by Connect, Collaborate, Compete?
I mean the steps every business or organization needs to be taking to effectively provide your product or service to your customers or members.
Connecting requires a presence. You have to be "there".
Collaborating means you have to be interactive. You have to be "there" and "talking with not to" others.
Compete means just what it sounds like. As they said on the TV show Monk about the lottery "You can't win if your not in". This is not a lottery. This is work. But like the lottery, if you are not "there", you can't win.
Starting with my next post I will focus on very narrow specifics. Not always in any particular order, but at least toward a larger whole.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Internet Summit 08
Monday, November 17, 2008
Replacing "Interfaces" in the Insurance World
"Integrate" as used here means to be able to pass electronic data from one system to another. The goal is to have the systems "talk to each other". Primarily this has been pushed as a way to avoid the dreaded double entry of data.
We have been working on a product revision that allows a wide variety of sharing and collaborations between many diverse users. Kind of a social service for business that lets you keep your business private.
As part of this service, we allow the user to add hyperlinks and embedded links to their portion of the site.
Why should "interface" not be replaced with links and embedded links?
The problems with direct data to data interface is either it never ends or it crushes innovation. Neither is a good solution.
Crushing innovation is good for the Applied Systems and AMS's of the world. It is good for proprietary company systems that want to lock you in to doing business only with them.
What if instead of getting a data dump to update your in house system, you got a link to the related document on the insurance company's system.
Here is a big plus for that - just one version of the document - everyone sees the same thing. No out of sync issues. Plus no storage space issues.
Plus - and of course the leading software providers of management systems will hate this - you would no longer need an expensive Agency Management system. You would only need a very inexpensive - or even free (Google Docs? Maybe?) - document management platform.
I can hear the screams from the establishment now. "We can't do that!" "You don't understand!"
My answer - Are we Americans or American'ts?
Of course the folks that are reaming you now for an obscene amount of money will say it can't be done. They might not have a job. Of course the companies that want you to only work with them - even though they don't offer all the products you need - will say you don't understand. They might have competition.
I think you do understand. I know it can be done.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
When Your Internet Goes Down
I think this is true for a lot of us these days.
Here is the next question, if you need the Internet so much to do your job, don't you think your customers want to work with you through the Internet also?
Do you think your customers feel the same way when the Internet goes down at their jobs?
I have been around a while so I actually reminder the dark ages when you owned a computer - even a PC - because it actually ran some stand alone programs I found useful - I think???? Now, I am not real sure what other purpose a computer has except as a way to connect to the Internet.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Symbolic Representation
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Glut and 5 Levels
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What Makes A Service A Platform?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Indiana Contractors Insurance - Online
One of the sites I refer to in my talk is I spoke with this agent a couple of years ago now. If I am remembering correctly, he built this site about five years ago just as something to do. Then he forgot about it.
After some months he starting getting calls from contractors every week or so. They would tell him they found his site and wanted to buy insurance. After enough of them called, he decided maybe there was something to this Internet thing.
Long story short, this is now a major part of his income. He has other similar sites that also seem to do well.
Take a good look at what he has done. There is nothing fancy, but everything is very solid. You can learn a great deal about how to move to doing business online from this.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Value Gap
That difference is the value you bring. That is your "Value Gap".
If you are trying to decide what you are selling, or how you are going to convince someone of your point of view, figure this out. Everything else will follow.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Has the Web Removed the Value You Get Paid For?
For newspapers, the barriers were owning a printing press, hiring and managing writers, controlling the distribution and selling the ads. The web allows anyone, anywhere, to do these things at little or no cost. Newspapers are struggling because one of the main sources of their value has gone away.
1 - Time restrictions. The web can let you provide information and services 24/7. You can not be physically present 24/7 but you can provide access to interaction your customers need to do with you 24/7 online.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Son and Joe Gibbs
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Built on Dreams
He challenged everyone saying:
"Don't be an industry built on memories. Be an industry built on dreams."
One of the great barriers to changing your business is competence. It is a common saying that the good is the enemy of the great.
Here is a link to a good article in Fast Company on this topic.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Single Data Standard
My second favorite episode of the TV show X-Files was the one where Mulder found a genie and was granted three wishes. He wished for world peace and was instantly the only person left alive on Earth. The Genie smiled and commented the only way for humans to not have disagreements was for there to be only one human. (My favorite X-Files episode was the one where the villain got away through an exploding chicken house and Mulder - covered with chicken shit - told Sculley he was pooped.)
If you accept the premise - which is the current cold, hard truth - that there is no single data standard, how can the sharing of information be made more efficient? Certainly there are answers of things which can be done but do not include changing to a single data standard.
By holding out for the dream of perfection this industry is avoiding making any progress at all. Why not find ways to make things 60% better instead of taking no action unless it is the dream of making them 100% better?
What do you think could be done?
Friday, September 19, 2008
MicroSoft Technology vs. Business Model
I have to admit I was blown away by the technology of the service. It was a very good visual presentation of information integrated with a wide variety of useful web services. I thought "This could really have an impact". Then I recalled Bill's opening remarks.
Bill started the talk by asking "How many of you were here when I spoke last year?". I few hands went up and his next comment was something close to "Good, then I won't be repeating myself too much.". At this point a light should have gone off - repeating yourself a year later would seem to be saying not much has changed in the past twelve months.
Next, it became clear to me that Microsoft is selling this product to insurance companies to push out. This makes sense when you recall that Microsoft sells operating systems to PC manufacturers who then push the product out.
This business model was reinforced later when Bill talked about Microsoft Sync in Ford's new cars. Again, Microsoft sells to Ford who pushes this out to their customers.
I honestly can not tell you if Microsoft has sold any users on SilverLight. I also have to admit that Microsoft is extremely profitable and as such it is hard to seriously criticize their business model.
Nonetheless, I left feeling like SilverLight was never going to be a major factor in the insurance space simply because of the model.
Here is the model I would think about. Offer the SilverLight service free to anyone who buys insurance services. Allow these users to invite insurance providers to accept a data pass of information from the buyer in order to provide the buyer with an proposal on their account. Require the insurance providers to pay to be able to accept the data and respond.
This model ends up making the same party pay for the service - the insurance company - but it allows customers to push the product into the company instead of having the service pushed onto them.
I could be way off base here. This is just a different distribution model, but I think it would make all the difference in the speed or even the "if" of any adoption of the service.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
You Want A Piece of America? Well Here I Am.
Last night I watched Tom Friedman on Charlie Rose. He put in words what I have been feeling for years. He said..
"To me 9-11 is the day between 9-10 and 9-12. I am not about an America defined by 9-11. I am about an America defined by the 4th of July"
How about you?
I am sick and tired of USA standing for the United States of Afraid. I want the United States of Aspirations.
Every time I take off my shoes to go through airport security I know we have lost. Next week I am going to the airport. I am going barefoot. That way I will not be surrendering by taking off my shoes for security.
I am not interested in or inspired by a government who wants to take away my freedom in the name of my security.
I dream of being great, not of being safely hidden behind armed guards.
I have always thought that our President - George Bush - had the chance to be remembered as our greatest President, to be put on Mt Rushmore, if on 9-11 he had stood up immediately and with fire in his eyes and smoke coming out his nose said...
"You want a piece of America? Well here I am. Come get me!"
Instead he sat there looking inept. Then he disappearred to a "secure and undisclosed location". He took this whole country with him.
Today I have had enough.
I will not give my life to or for a country that provides me a safe place to hide and be afraid.
I will give my life to and for a country that offers the American Dream of the 4th of July.
My America is where dreams come true.
My America is where you can become great.
My Amercia is not a hiding place.
Join me.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Google's Official Blog Post on Chrome
Here is the link to the now famous cartoon...
Google Chrome and the Power of Free
For the bigger picture it is pretty clear that Google's business model is the real problem for its competitors. How can Microsoft give Windows and Office, etc away for free?
Can you make Free your business model? Has a competitor already done this to you?
More on this in a post soon.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A Starting Point to My Thinking
Here is my basic premise about the World Wide Web.
1 - It is a fundamental change in the abilities of people to communicate and interact.
2 - It reduces or completely eliminates the financial barriers that have previously existed for publishing and distribution of anything which can be made digital.
3 - It removes time and distance as factors in what is possible.
Under this group of three, here is my early sub group of effects that flow from these changes.
1 - It destroys many existing business and professional models.
2 - It creates models that have never existed before.
What does this mean to you and how you may choose to go about the normal everyday activities of your life?
Let me say right now that I hope I put these restraints on myself…
1 - I will not ever say the web is the solution to any and all problems.
2 - I will not say the web will lead us to a utopia.
3 - I will never suggest the web is a get rich quick scheme. If I do, please someone, give me a gun and I will shot myself.
Here Comes Everybody
I hope this will not simply be redundant for those of you who have read the book. I highly recommend this book and Sarah Lacy's book Once You're Lucky, Twice You're Good.
These are the best two books I have read this year related to defining the current state of the Web.
In fact, at the moment, these are the two books that have had the strongest influence on my understanding the Web since I read Tim Berners-Lee's book Defining the Web. As the creator of the world wide web, Berners-Lee has a unique position and his book is well written in describing his concept and intent.
More later today.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Not More Traffic, Better Pages
A lot of folks spend most of their time trying to get more and more traffic to their web site. At some point this becomes a proposition with very diminishing returns.
With the idea in mind of making your site about your visitor, you need to spend at least as much, and maybe even more, time on making the pages as usable and effective as possible.
From a crass perspective it is better to provide a page where twice as many of the visitors you have take the actions they came to take - and the actions you want them to take – than a page that gets twice the traffic.
Remember, visitors come to your page for a reason of their own. They want that reason satisfied when they arrive. Twice the traffic at the same conversion rate is twice as many dissatisfied visitors.
Spend your time increasing the percentage of page visitors who are satisfied. This will give you more happy users, more positive word of mouth. Better results.
Here are a few good ideas for improving results on your pages.
1 - Consider removing the normal navigation and other distracting elements of your page. Studies consistently show that the headline and then the content in the top left corner of each page are the most viewed – visible – parts of a web page. Use these two spaces to make clear the purpose of each page.
2 - Add “trust indicators. Things like “Hackersafe” logo. Also testimonials. Make your visitor feel safe and comfortable.
3 - Make any forms that are completed on your site as simple as possible. The page of least resistance is a normal human choice.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Twitter and Business
Monday, August 11, 2008
Some Great Videos Explaining The Web
Professor Michael Wesch from Kansas State University. It is 4 minutes and 32 seconds.
From the same Professor Wesch, this one explains YouTube. It is 55 minutes but worth every minute.
Finally, this one I just found very interesting. The secret history of the Silicon Valley. also about 55 minutes.
This one is not Professor Wesch.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Why Do People Come to Your Office?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Security at the Olympics
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Be the Best of Something
Monday, August 4, 2008
When LBJ Came to My Home Town
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The Long Tail or Local Community Building
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Something I Was Shown on Twitter
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Starting at the Back of the Pasture
Sunday, July 27, 2008
More Thoughts on Digital Identity
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Automated Phone Calls
Digital Identity and Profile / Update Aggregators
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Who Owns the Data and Files on Yours Customers
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Your Personal Brand and My Flight With John Edwards
Friday, July 18, 2008
Social Network vs. Collaboration
Social networks let me get a feel for you and you get a feel for me. No more commitment than that. They are great for sharing information with a group of any size without having to email every body one at a time.
But sometimes after I meet someone, I may want to do something with just them.
In the physical world this would be like going to a restaurant for a meal. Not everybody, just two of you.
In business this would be like going back to your office to talk about things I really do not want everyone else involved in.
This is more what I think of as collaboration.
I know social networks have give you the ability to set up Groups and some other private area's, but I want to be able to move further away from the network than that. I want to be able to meet you through social network tools, but I want to be able to do business with you in the privacy of your office.
I think this is the giant missing piece in social networks currently.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Car Is a Social Network
Let me explain why.
First, I have had many cars in my life and I have never had a car that I would have thought this about. I have had Porsche's, Pininfarina's, GMC 3500's, minivan's, Honda Accord's, Toyota Celia's, Chev Vega's, Ford F150's, Land Cruiser's, Peugeot's, VW's - including Herbie's Father, and Mercedes Benz's.
My current car is a social network because in the 18 months I have had it I still get people - OK strangers - coming up to me and wanting to talk about the car. The car creates a way for people to connect to me and for me to connect to them.
I have people come up to me in parking lots. I can understand that. Folks in drive thru's - I get that too. Dozens of times I have been pumping gas to have people pull off the road and park in front of me - not buying gas mind you - just to talk to about my car. I really can't see myself ever doing that. I took my son to several car dealerships to buy him a car and the sales folks all came out to see my car. In fact, we came back from a test drive and one of them was under the car looking at stuff. I can't imagine what.
As I think I understand things, that is what a good social network does. Creates a common connection that lets folks meet, greet and get to know in a non threatening way.
What do you think? I am getting close?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Who Is Using Social Media
Thanks to Kipp Bodnar for his Twitter mention of this link.
Monday, July 14, 2008
RTP Startup Weekend
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What Comes to Your Mind When I Say Folsom?
My favorite part of this is this comment...
“We are known for a lot more things than the prison.”
Here is what I think. I sure don't have any idea what else Folsom is known for. I asked the guy sitting next to me and he didn't know either. So I am not alone.
I don't intend to sound mean. I grew up in the middle of nowhere. As a result, I recognize it in a flash. Sure, I knew lots of things the middle of nowhere town I grew up in was known for. But anyone who lived more than 30 miles away didn't have a clue about any of them.
Folsom had a chance to use a connection with which they are known all over the world. They didn't do it because they only saw the name as it related to their own feelings about who they are. Not the way basically every one else in the world sees them.
If you want to change the way people think about you it can be a good plan to get them to think about you at all as a first step.
When you are working to create the image and you do not understand what your current image is, it can be much harder to change that image to the one you want others to accept.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Making A Commodity Special
But look at the enormous difference between how well local restaurants differentiate themselves from other local restaurants and national chains and how local insurance agencies differentiate themselves from other local agencies and national chains.
Here are some of the places in my hometown of Durham, NC I go to get a burger. These comparisons are for a CheeseBurger, Fires and a soda. No taxes.
Wimpy's - $7.15 - Just about everything at Wimpy's is homemade: fresh home-ground beef for the burgers. There's fresh baked banana pudding daily as well as some kind of cake. The draw back to Wimpy's is there is no drive through and no seating. Very low on the convenience factor.
Cook Out - $7.15 - Their burgers really do taste and look like burgers you would cook out yourself. But it is just a drive through, so I have to eat in the car or take it back to the office. Convenience to buy, inconvenient to eat.
Wendy's - $5.25 - They are just sort of a no mind habit. Cheap, the same everywhere. Impersonal. High on convenience.
Watts Grocery - $9.45 - Absolutely the best hamburger and bun I have ever eaten. This is a treat not because of the price, but because it is a nice, comfortable restaurant with a fine and friendly atmosphere. Takes longer than a fast food restaurant to have lunch.
Red Robin - $9.74 - When I have a crowd of youngsters, this is a first choice. They all like it. It is the "In" place for their age. Takes longer than a fast food, about as long as Watt's Grocery.
I rank these as favorites in this order:
- Watts Grocery
- Cook-Out
- Wimpy's
- Wendy's
- Red Robin
It is interesting that if I, a middle aged male, like the best burger and the slowest service. The Cook Out is a top choice when the family is out of town and I am feeding myself. Wimpy's is my choice when I want to remind myself I was born and raised here. Wendy's I eat mostly when I am traveling and need a fast stop off the Interstate. Red Robin is only for taking a crowd.
My son, a hungry young man, goes to Cook-Out most frequently. He also likes Hardees and Red Robin. He will not go to a Red Robin alone. He is more sensitive to price than I am.
Before I get to our local insurance agencies I am going to admit we all go to restaurants more often than we go to insurance agencies. That makes it easier for me to tell you how I feel about restaurants. Also, I go to several restaurants, but I will most likely only go to one insurance agency.
This lack of frequency of going to an insurance agency only makes your branding and my experience with you even more important in my way of thinking.
Back to insurance agencies. Here are the results i get from Google when I do a search for "insurance agency" + Durham, NC.
First I get "Local Business Results"
A. Mitchell Tom Insurance Agency - - (919) 286-4513 - more
B. Bull City Insurance Agency Inc - - (919) 596-0671 - more
C. State Farm Insurance Agents: Durham Agents - - (919) 477-7300 - more
D. Forrester & Associates Insurance Agency Inc: Durham-Pittsboro Area - - (919) 383-8551 - more
E. Jessup Insurance Agency Inc - - (919) 479-6996 - more
F. Faircloth Insurance Agency - - (919) 383-6704 - more
G. Perry Insurance Agency - - (919) 471-1688 - more
H. Jones Andrew Insurance Agency - - (919) 493-2929 - more
I. Direct General Insurance Agency - - (919) 220-0887 - more
J. High & Rubish Insurance Agency - - (919) 913-1144 - more
By the way, this Local Results is GREAT!
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The non local, free search results has this...
Jason R. Redmond Insurance Agency - Durham, NC, 27712 - Citysearch
Come to Citysearch to get information, directions, and reviews on Jason R. Redmond Insurance Agency and other Life Insurance Companies, Consultants, Autos, - 61k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Sizsiz Wong Insurance Agency, Durham NC 27713 --
Sizsiz Wong Insurance Agency, 105 W Nc Highway 54 Ste 279, Durham, NC. Tel: 919-544-7000. Come to MerchantCircle to get Sizsiz Wong Insurance Agency ...
var mb12=ManyBox.register('12',3,'W47l_ZHMfYsJ','','f3bf',14,'Show map of 105 W Nc Highway 54, Durham, NC 27713','Hide map of 105 W Nc Highway 54, Durham, NC 27713')
Show map of 105 W Nc Highway 54, Durham, NC 27713 - 30k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
How To Select An Auto Insurance Agency Durham NC - Durham NC, car ...
You can have success in selecting auto insurance by choosing the right auto insurance agency – one that has your best interests in - 68k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Payless Insurance Agency - Durham, NC - 27703
Listing for Payless Insurance Agency - Durham, NC - 27703 - includes address, phone number, map and areas of specialization.
var mb14=ManyBox.register('14',3,'o7hiqLqcsD0J','','83a5',14,'Show map of 3502 Holloway St, Durham, NC 27703','Hide map of 3502 Holloway St, Durham, NC 27703')
Show map of 3502 Holloway St, Durham, NC 27703 - 13k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Jason R. Redmond Insurance Agency - Durham, NC 27712 - Reviews ...
Read Reviews of Jason R. Redmond Insurance Agency in Durham, NC.
var mb15=ManyBox.register('15',3,'5T7v2gI-GxQJ','','600e',14,'Show map of 4223 Lazy River Dr, Durham, NC 27712','Hide map of 4223 Lazy River Dr, Durham, NC 27712')
Show map of 4223 Lazy River Dr, Durham, NC 27712 - 25k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Dominick Huckabee Noblin & Trent Insurance Agency, Durham, NC ...
Get directions, reviews, payment information on Dominick Huckabee Noblin & Trent Insurance Agency located at Durham, NC. Search for other Business - 30k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Info for PAYLESS INSURANCE AGENCY powered by MBB YELLOWPAGES.COM Industrial Directory includes address, phone, map, . A specialist in INSURANCE, - 20k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Faircloth Insurance Agency - Durham NC - Insurance - (919) 383 ...
Looking for information about Faircloth Insurance Agency in Durham NC? Open List offers business information, reviews, and recommendations about this - 54k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Life Insurance Businesses in the Durham Yellow Pages
Faircloth Insurance Agency (919) 383-6704 3310 Croasdaile Dr Ste 800 Durham, NC 27705 Top Rated listings for "Life Insurance" - 104k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
George Stevens Insurance Agency, Inc. - Insurance in Durham
Providing auto, home, life, business, and more in NC . Includes area info, insurance info, and online - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
For starters, can you tell from the results above what they offer? What is their specialty? Do you have any feel for the experience you will have with them?
Second, go to several of their web sites. When you visit the web site, can you then tell me the answers to the above questions?
Are any of these agencies going after the same customer types you are going after? If so, pay attention to what they are doing that makes you aware of that. Especially pay attention to things they are doing that you think successfully bring in new customers or keep existing customers. You will want to do these things also.
So, after a round about trip, here is my point, with all these links and comparisons. Even if you think you are not creating a brand - you are.
Even with commodities like hamburgers and insurance, you are different. You need to understand how you are seen as different. You need to decide if that is that way you want to be seen as different. You need to intentionally create the difference you want others to see, experience and understand.
Figure out the impression and experience you want to create for the customers you want to attract. You can learn this by seeing what the most successful agencies in your market are doing to get their results.
Friday, July 4, 2008
How Many Visitors Do You Need?
This kid has had 45,000,000 visits. But how does he make any money?
You want targeted visitors who are interested in what you are doing.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Who Is Your Boss?
If you want to do well and succeed, you need to make your boss happy. You also want as many bosses as you can get.
Is your customer telling you they want you to be online? Your honest answer can easily be "No".
If this is your answer, then I am going to tell you that you need to be online more than ever. Here is why.
If your whole industry is changing because of the way the Internet is changing communications and your boss does not think that is important, then I can only conclude that your boss is a part of a group which is getting smaller every day.
You want to be part of a growing group, not a declining group. You are not hearing the forest that does not know you exist, you are hearing the trees that still haven't changed.
I asked the staff at my office who are under age 40 how they bought their insurance. And by the way, the same holds true for everything they buy.
First - they did not look in the Yellow Pages. In fact, they no longer keep a copy.
Second - they did not call to get a quote, even when that was suggested online.
Third - they preferred to spend more if it meant they could finish the purchase online right then.
Fourth - if you were not found online, they never knew you existed.
I have heard a lot of insurance agents and companies say they did not want these customers. They thought they would be bad customers. I imagine lots of other business people have this same reaction.

So, the question you have to ask yourself is "Do you fell lucky?"
The question you have to answer is - "If you do not want new customers under age 40, where do you think new customers are going to come from?'
The question I ask is "If you think the 70% of potential customers are customers you do not want, are you saying you really want only the part of the population that can not afford an Internet connection or does not have the skills to use the Internet?" I have to really doubt that.
If your customers are your boss, and almost all new customers want you to be online, you should do what your boss wants you to do.