Monday, November 29, 2010

Our Latest Development Project

Sometime in Dec of 2010 we will be releasing our first mobile app.

Here is an idea of the benefits we think it will provide you.

After the first release we will be adding functions such as claims reporting, request a change, self service Proof of Auto Liability Insurance and self service Certificates of Insurance.

These functions are all for you to provide to your customers and prospects. 

Still later we will be releasing an app for our Cap Dat ACORD users to manage and work with their Cap Dat ACORD accounts.

The world is changing and it is going to be a great year.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Introducing SehMobile

I am really thrilled to announce a new product line we are in the advanced stages of development on.

SehMobile is our soon to be family of Mobile Apps for the general insurance agent and as an additional front end to our Cap Dat ACORD and SehHey online services.

The way we communicate with customers has changed dramatically. Your Internet presence is more than your web site.

We will do our best to provide you with the tools you need to extend your contact and communication with your customers to devices of their choosing.

The business with the most choices wins.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Engine on a Horse

In Larry Kramer's new book C-Scape , Larry relates how he was once asked "If you put an engine on a horse do you have a car.

This is his analogy for taking your existing business model and trying to do exactly the same thing on the Internet.

The point is having a web site that doesn't provide the interaction or services that your customers expect will not work. You need to create a strategy before you deploy technology.

I couldn't agree more.

I think the best way to figure out your strategy is to ask yourself "What business am I really in?"

You may think this is obvious, but there is a very long history of businesses that thought their answer was obvious but were absolutely wrong.

Railroads thought they were providing railroads but their customers were buying transportation. Landline phone companies thought they were providing phones but their customers were buying voice communications.

So what business are your really in? Maybe you should ask your customers what they are actually buying.